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Image - NEW BOOK: Forget Me Not / Vergissmeinnicht

NEW BOOK: Forget Me Not / Vergissmeinnicht

BOOK Forget Me Not / Vergissmeinnicht


Forget Me Not is available in Amsterdam Bookshop @San Serriffe
Address: Sint Annenstraat 30, 1012 HE Amsterdam
@Architectura & Natura,
Address: Leliegracht 22-H, 1015 DG Amsterdam

Image - Show Bakakay, Atletika gallery. Vilnius, Lithuania

Show Bakakay, Atletika gallery. Vilnius, Lithuania

06.02.25 → 15.03.25

Group show curated by Arturas Mitinas and Monika Kornilova.

Bakakay combines the idea of childishness and the uncanny side of the not-yet formed. It is known that babbling infants are able to produce any sounds of human language, but when they learn to speak one specific language with its specific sounds, they lose this ability. Thinking about diverse human activities, not just verbal communication, the exhibition focuses on the potential of formlessness as well as the experimental and sensory approaches that open it up. The curators of exhibition are wondering what positive or infantilizing forces are at work in contemporary society - between lulling self-centrism and experimental openness, between escapism and productive disinterest, between alienation from one’s body and repressed, uncomfortable corporeality.

Artists: Stephanie Baechler, Sara Bajarland, Ina Budrytė, Polyrabbbt Duplicate, Monika Kornilova, Simonas Nekrošius, Artūras Mitinas, Hanna Umin.
Research: Saulė Ziziliauskas, Yaroslava Minenkova, Monika Kornilova, Lukas Mykolaitis, Artūras Mitinas, Paulius Jevsejevas.

The show is organised by:
Bakakay collective and Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association.

Gallery “Atletika”
Vitebsko Str. 21
LT-11349, Vilnius

Image - Textile Manifeste - Museum für Gestaltung Zurich

Textile Manifeste - Museum für Gestaltung Zurich

Textile Manifestos - From Bauhaus to Soft Sculpture
14.02.25 → 13.07.25

From geometrically ordered weavings in two dimensions to free forms in space: the exhibition shows anonymous pieces side by side with well-known positions, resulting in some surprising adjacencies of comparable perspectives from different periods. 

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8005 Zurich


Image - Group show @Heimspiel: 14. December 2024 - 2. February 2025

Group show @Heimspiel: 14. December 2024 - 2. February 2025

14.12.2024 - 2.03.2025

Der Stoff, aus dem die Gegenwart besteht

Die ehemalige Webmaschinenhalle Werk2 in Arbon wird von zeitgenössischer Kunst zu neuem Leben erweckt. Unter dem Ausstellungstitel «Der Stoff, aus dem die Gegenwart besteht» sind künstlerische Positionen versammelt, die sich im weitesten Sinne mit Textilien auseinandersetzen oder Stoffe thematisieren, die unsere Gegenwart prägen – materiell oder sinnbildlich. Wasser, Waffen und Algorithmen, Identitätsfragen und soziale Interaktion: In der beeindruckenden Industriearchitektur verknüpft diese Ausstellung über Grenzen hinweg unterschiedliche Themenstränge zu einem Ganzen. Guter Stoff, der uns ein Stück weiter durch die Gegenwart zu tragen vermag.

With Ahmad Al Rayyan, Alessandra Beltrame, Anna von Siebenthal, Barbara Signer, Cécile Hummel, Dorothy Wong Ka Chung & Benjamin Ryser, Elena Corvaglia, Klara Vith, Luka Berchtold, Maria Anwander, Martina Böttiger, Michael Bodenmann, Mirijam Špendov, Nihat Akdemir, Reinhard Tobler, Sarah Hugentobler, Silvia Michel, Stéphanie Baechler, Tobias Rüetschi, Veronika Dierauer

Opening 15.12.2024 at 6.30
Curated by Stefanie Hoch
Address: Werk2 Arbon, Webstrasse 2, CH-9320 Arbon

Image - To see at Cantonale Berne Jura: Tittle: Image vehicle, 2022, knot carpet

To see at Cantonale Berne Jura: Tittle: Image vehicle, 2022, knot carpet

Cantonale Berne Jura
20.12.24 → 16.03.25

The Cantonale Berne Jura was launched in 2011 and is characterised by intercantonal cooperation. Spread across various institutions, it offers artists an important and broad platform and presents the diversity of Bernese and Jura art to the public.

Kunstmuseum Thun
Group show
Opening Thursday 19.12.2024 at 6.30

Adresse: Kunstmuseum Thun, Thunerhof, Hofstettenstrasse 14, CH-3602 Thun

15.12.24 → 02.02.25
Musée jurassien des Arts
Group show

Adresse: Musée jurassien des Arts, Rue Centrale 4, CH-2740 Moutier

Download program here

Do Stuff! Textile Creations in New Dimensions
06.06.2025 – 02.11.2025

Textiles shape our everyday lives: they clothe, protect, decorate and conceal. They can also bear images and communicate through the interweaving of legible signs and visual narratives.

“Do Stuff!” presents current works by the renowned Swiss textile creators Stéphanie Baechler, Christoph Hefti and Sonnhild Kestler, all three of whom previously focused on textile design for fashion fabrics. In recent years, however, their individual paths have led them away from fashion and into wider spaces as they explore larger formats and other dimensions of textiles.

The exhibition delves into the world of large-format textile pictures that move between functionality, art and spatial experience. These printed, woven, knotted and embroidered works illustrate the different working methods of the three textile creators, demonstrating their technical sophistication as they seek to create expressive imagery through the effective use of materials. In this impressive show, the three artists explore textiles in new dimensions and tell stories, each using their own characteristic visual language.

Gewerbemuseum Winterthur
Kirchplatz 14
CH-8400 Winterthur


Press Review Forget Me Not Installation
Article in kM 123 (kunstenaarsmateriaal) 2022 (Text in Dutch)
Taiwan Art Magazine, Artist (since 1975) 2022
Article in St.Galler Tagblatt: Fünf Meter gestickte Ostschweizer Textilgeschichte (Text in German)
Article in Saiten: Der Faden des Schicksals (Text in German)
Article in Saiten: Textilkultur Revisited Download here (Text in German)
Article in Swiss magazine , Download here (Text in German)
Interview in Six Questions: Stéphanie Baechler
Article in Kunstbulletin 4-2019 about exhibtion at Spazio Lampo, Chiasso CH (Text in Italian)
Granary Interview: The Joy of Learning: Shift is making the creative process fun again